HOK Research and UX Testing Recruitment

HOK Research and UX Testing Recruitment

HOK Research and UX Testing Recruitment

Mid 2023, we began collaborating with a Usability and UX Design Agency to recruit medical experts for training on a new med-tech device, followed by feedback sessions. The training was conducted online, while testing was onsite. This recruitment project was highly successful, leading the client to award us three additional projects and request several quotes. Our reputation has grown, and we now serve two more UX design firms in the US and Italy.

Recruiting experts for qualitative research has been our forte since 2019 in Berlin and since 1986 in London. We've adapted our proven methods to UX recruitment, resulting in notably higher quality participants compared to previous providers. This success stems from our direct recruitment approach—engaging experts at their workplaces or via telephone—rather than relying on panels. We meticulously vet participants to ensure they have the expertise to complete UX testing effectively and are willing to provide valuable feedback.

While our core focus remains on B2B, Healthcare, and Biotech Recruitment, we occasionally recruit consumers and patients, depending on project needs.

What distinguishes UX testing recruitment from traditional B2B expert recruitment for market research?

Recruiting participants for UX testing sessions and recruiting B2B, healthcare, and biotech experts for industry-specific research or consultations have distinct objectives, participant expertise requirements, and methodologies. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two:

Objective and Focus:

UX Testing: The goal is to evaluate the usability and user experience of a product, typically software or a digital interface. It focuses on how actual users interact with the product, identifying usability issues, and improving design.

B2B, Healthcare, and Biotech Recruitment: This recruitment targets industry experts for in-depth knowledge sharing, consultation, or feedback on specific industry products, technologies, or practices. The focus is often on gaining insights from experienced professionals who can provide deep, technical, and often strategic insights.

Expertise of Participants:

UX Testing: Participants are generally users who represent the product’s target audience. Their expertise is in using the product or similar products, and their feedback is crucial for improving user interface and interactions.

B2B, Healthcare, and Biotech: Participants are highly specialized experts within their fields. For example, a recruitment effort might target medical doctors, biotech researchers, or executives in B2B companies who can provide expert opinions on market trends, clinical outcomes, or product feasibility.

Recruitment Methodologies:

Both UX Testing and B2B, Healthcare, and Biotech recruitment share several core strategies, despite their differing focuses. For UX Testing, recruitment is user-centric, aimed at finding individuals who reflect the actual or intended user base of the product. Common techniques include screening for familiarity with similar technologies, specific professional roles, or demographic criteria relevant to the product's market.

Similarly, recruitment in the B2B, Healthcare, and Biotech sectors, while specialized, often follows parallel methodologies. We leverage professional networks, industry contacts, academic institutions, and our proprietary panels of experts in biotech and healthcare. Like UX Testing, we select participants based on stringent criteria such as professional qualifications, published work, or established expertise in a specific area.

Additionally, particularly in consumer or patient recruitment, clients often emphasize the inclusion of lay participants to ensure that the perspectives of everyday users are captured. This focus enhances the relevance and applicability of the insights gathered, bridging the gap between expert knowledge and consumer experience.

The methodologies in both sectors prioritize a deep understanding of the participant's background and abilities, ensuring that recruited individuals are precisely matched to the project's requirements. This alignment highlights a common goal across different fields: to gather the most relevant and insightful data from well-qualified individuals.

Ready to enhance your UX Testing with expert insights?  

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for dedicated support on your next project. At HOK Research, we specialize in sourcing the finest experts to ensure your UX outcomes exceed expectations. Let's discuss how we can tailor our recruitment strategies to meet your unique needs.

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Future of Market Research and Business

Future of Market Research and Business

Global Survey Sheds Light on Future of Market Research and Business

In a recent survey conducted by HOK Research across eight key markets globally, insights from 78 professionals within the market research sector and businesses that commission market research were gathered to identify trends expected to impact the industry in the near and long term. The survey, spanning countries such as Germany, Poland, the USA, Singapore, France, South Africa, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, revealed a consensus around several critical future developments.

Key Discoveries Highlight Technological Impact and Data Challenges:

Technological Advancements: A significant portion of the responses pointed to Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and digitalization as the primary drivers of change. These technologies are predicted to revolutionize both the mechanisms of market research and broader business operations.

The Role of Big Data: As businesses and market research agencies drown in data, the ability to efficiently analyse and glean actionable insights from this data is becoming increasingly crucial. The survey emphasizes big data’s pivotal role in shaping future strategies.

Uncertainty Looms Large: Many respondents expressed a degree of uncertainty about the future, underscoring the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of technological advancements and market shifts.

A Closer Look at Global Participation:

Germany and Poland emerged as the most engaged markets, contributing a substantial share of the responses. This engagement signals a keen interest and perhaps a readiness to adapt to the identified trends. The USA and Singapore were not far behind, demonstrating a broad, global concern for the highlighted issues. Although smaller in numbers, responses from France, South Africa, Switzerland, and the Netherlands provided valuable insights, reinforcing the survey's international relevance.

Looking Ahead: The Need for Adaptability and Data Proficiency:

The findings underline a critical need for businesses and market research agencies to not only embrace technological innovations but also to enhance their data analytics capabilities. As the industry moves forward, adapting to the rapid pace of change and leveraging new technologies will be essential for survival and success. Furthermore, the survey points to a collective industry challenge of navigating future uncertainties, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and continuous learning.

As the market research and business sectors grapple with these forthcoming changes, the survey's insights serve as a timely reminder of the evolving landscape. The future, it seems, belongs to those ready to innovate, adapt, and harness the power of data in an increasingly digital world.

Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash

HOK Research's Pharmacovigilance Processes

HOK Research's Pharmacovigilance Processes

At Kudos Research and HOK Research, our pharmacovigilance data collection processes are distinguished not only by our adherence to BHBIA standards but also by our commitment to international quality management and information security standards, as evidenced by our ISO20252 and ISO27001 registrations. These certifications reflect our dedication to operational excellence and the safeguarding of sensitive data in all healthcare projects we undertake.

Staff Training and Compliance:

Central to our operation is the certified BHBIA Adverse Event (AE) training completed annually by all staff involved in healthcare projects, ensuring up-to-date expertise in pharmacovigilance practices. This foundational knowledge is further enhanced by our commitment to the quality and security standards set by ISO20252 and ISO27001, guaranteeing our team operates within a framework of best practices for data collection and management.

Data Collection Methodology:

Our data collection techniques are designed to uphold the highest standards of quality and security. The ISO20252 registration underlines our dedication to delivering reliable and valid data collection services, while ISO27001 certifies our ability to manage and protect data with utmost integrity. This dual adherence ensures that every piece of information collected is not only accurate and relevant but also securely handled, respecting patient confidentiality and regulatory requirements.

Data Management and Analysis:

The rigor of our data management processes is enhanced by our ISO certifications. ISO20252 supports our commitment to quality in managing and analysing pharmacovigilance data, while ISO27001 emphasizes our focus on securing data against breaches. Together, these standards ensure that the data we collect, store, and analyse is handled in a manner that maximizes quality and minimizes risk.

Reporting and Communication:

Our ISO registrations reinforce the credibility of our reporting and communication channels. By adhering to these standards, we ensure that all potential safety concerns identified are communicated promptly and securely to relevant stakeholders, facilitating swift action to manage risks and protect patient safety.

Continuous Improvement and Training:

Our journey towards excellence is ongoing. The frameworks provided by ISO20252 and ISO27001 guide our continuous improvement efforts, driving us to regularly update our data collection methods, security measures, and training programs. This commitment not only keeps us compliant with current standards but also anticipates future challenges and innovations in pharmacovigilance.

In summary, HOK Research embody the highest standards of operational excellence in pharmacovigilance data collection and management. Our ISO20252 and ISO27001 registrations are testament to our unwavering commitment to quality, security, and continuous improvement, ensuring that we contribute effectively and securely to the advancement of drug safety and efficacy.

HOK Research: Your Specialized Partner in Healthcare, Pharma, and Biotech Data Collection

A Kudos Research company


Contact us

HOK Research GmbH
c/o Unicorn Workspaces
Schlüterstr. 39
10629 Berlin, Germany

+49 3022027361


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